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A total of 526 valid ballots were cast by Outpost owners from 9 a.m. on March 25 to 9 p.m. on April 8, 2024 to fill three director positions. 

The top three candidates who received the most votes will each serve three-year terms.*

The three new directors will be seated at the May 2024 Outpost Board of Directors meeting.


*Eno Meier (board incumbent):
452 votes (31.2%)

*Rick Daggett:
349 votes (24.1%)

*Duncan Shrout (board incumbent):
346 votes (23.9%)

Stephanie Dernek:
302 votes (20.8%)



Your vote helps to end hunger in our community!

Outpost will donate $1 per owner ballot submitted in this year’s election to Kinship Community Food Center, a local non-profit that engages community members to end hunger, isolation and poverty through their innovative programs that include a fresh food market, an urban farm and collaborative meals.

To learn more, visit www.kinshipmke.org.

To learn more about each candidate, click on their photo below.


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