COVID-19 Updates
Outpost is a mask-friendly store!
During periods of high COVID-19 community transmission, masks are strongly encouraged.
For your convenience, complimentary masks are available from customer service.
Outpost has followed the recommendations of the CDC as well as state and local requirements since the beginning of the pandemic regarding masking, vaccination, social distancing, and safety protocols related to mitigating the community spread of the coronavirus.
Indoor masking for customers is at their own discretion, though, we encourage our customers consider the level of exposure staff experience daily while working and choose to mask up while shopping, especially during times of HIGH transmission.
Rate of Transmission
Each state, and each county within each state, is rated based on low-medium-high community transmission. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/your-health/covid-by-county.html
- Please continue social distancing when inside the co-op
- Would you like a mask? Visit our customer service desk!
- Consider shopping online for contactless pick-up or delivery
Outpost will continue to monitor disease trends while the threat still exists in our community
Thank you for helping us take care of our community!