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Your Board

How will you give Thanks this holiday season?

Board Beet
By Your Board on November 21, 2013
As we enter the holiday season, what does the art of giving or giving thanks mean and are they different? The golden rule has always been that it is better to give than receive and that we should always give thanks for what we have. 
So with that in mind, how can we give and give thanks?  
Well, I am glad you asked. 
I am thankful that there is a local co-op right in my backyard that incorporates a sense of giving back to the community through several diverse programs that touch many aspects of our neighborhoods; Community Partners, Co-op Community Fund, Buy a Bag for the Hungry, Neighbor-to-Neighbor and Think Outside the Lunchbox.
In addition, Outpost is a founding member of Local First Milwaukee, a local business alliance that advocates for locally owned, independent businesses.
Why is this important?
Well, shopping locally is a really important piece of giving thanks.
Did you know that 52% of what you spend stays right in our community? It’s true. When you spend your money locally, you’re supporting people like Gail at Free Trade for All, Stephanie at Stephanie Bartz Photography, the artisan bakers at Rocket Baby Bakery and countless other friends and neighbors.
Shopping local not only gives back to the community, but it creates more local jobs.  It also feels good! It’s one of the greatest means of giving thanks and giving back.  And there are numerous ways to do it.
On November 30th you can support a national movement called Shop Small – Small Business Saturday by making an effort to patronize independent, locally owned businesses.
You can also attend the “Buy Local Gift Fair,” which is now in its fifth year. Over 40 local vendors will be present at the Lakefront Brewery Palm Garden on December 8 from Noon – 4 p.m.
So skip the mall and the big-box stores and shop amongst your friends and neighbors all under one roof at a local brewery. Now what’s more fun than that?
As you approach this holiday season of giving, think how you can give back and give thanks. For me, I am thankful for the ability to support  my community, my friends and neighbors by shopping and or giving to local non-profit organizations that give to those in need right here in my backyard.
 Its simple math, you give and what you get is priceless.
Where will you give back this holiday season and how?
-  Suzanne Garr, director


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