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Your Board

Hi, I'm Your Board

Outpost's Board of Directors will use this blog to discuss issues the board is exploring as it envisions Outpost's future. Can't make it to a meeting? Check here frequently to read what the Board is up to. Your current Outpost Board of...
Your Board

Deepen your Relationship, Consider Outpost Board Service

Board Beet
By Your Board on December 12, 2016

It’s election time. If you’re an Outpost owner, now may be a good time to consider becoming a Board member. Here’s a great local opportunity to help forward the cooperative principles of a 46 year-old $48 million annual food cooperative.

I’m currently a board member, and half way through three years of service. Personally, I am enjoying my Outpost board service. My respect grows each day for Outpost’s role in providing our community with healthy food choices. I also admire the co-op’s commitment to mutually beneficial partnerships with employees, vendors, owners, shoppers and community organizations.

As part of a nine-member board that works closely with the general manager, I have a front row seat to the complexities of running four stores and a community wellness center during these times of unprecedented marketplace competition. Local shoppers have more choices than ever about where to spend their food dollars.

Don’t be fooled. Although our grocery competitors advertise their local commitment and healthy and organic food choices, Outpost has been listening to customer needs for decades, and continues to excel among the nation’s food co-operatives.

If you’re reluctant to consider board service, here are a few things to note:

  • You’ll be part of a nine member board (three members are up for re-election each year), who make decisions cooperatively.
  • You’ll need a basic understanding of financial statements, and will be supported with regular educational sessions.
  • You’ll work with the general manager who is responsible for operations and strategic development with the board.
  • Board members commit to forego any conflicts of interest or appearance of conflicts.
  • The Board of Directors application is available online, along with contact information if you have any questions.
  • Be sure to note that all applications are due January 20, 2017. You must attend at least one board meeting prior to March 1.

Lastly, you can count on a fair and civil election process. Board meetings are respectful with each owner’s voice heard. Once decisions are made, the Board speaks as one. The Outpost Board shares a common goal of helping the cooperative, truly a community jewel, to continue and thrive.


Lora Hyler

Board Director



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