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Your Board

Learning to BAG IT: Giving up plastic, one bag at a time

Board Beet
By Your Board June 12, 2012

It’s been nearly a month since I attended the Outpost screening of the movie Bag It.  And I have to hand it to Director Suzan Beraza.  Choosing Jeb Berrier as the focus of the movie was absolutely brilliant.  He’s a believable "everyman” whose experience with plastic isn’t so different from every one of ours. He’s not an avid environmentalist or a radical.  He’s just a guy in a world filled (increasingly) with plastic.  Best of all, he has a sense of humor about it, which makes the movie engaging and genuinely entertaining.

Your Board

An Interesting essay on the ethics of what we eat

Board Beet
By Your Board May 22, 2012

Many owners in the Outpost community, as well as in the general community, have given a great deal of thought to the issue of eating animal products, notably meat.  For people who care, it is a subject layered with many dimensions:  family tradition, spiritual beliefs, political/economic convictions, dietary needs, and consideration for the roles animals play in our lives

Pam Mehnert

52 Things I Learned in One Year - Part 3 of 3

A Year of Inconvenience
By Pam Mehnert January 13, 2012

Repeat after me – I am not a quitter - I am not a quitter. Well I guess “life” happened since my last blog post, as I have blissfully ignored the fact I haven’t yet completed my list of lessons.

Pam Mehnert

52 Things I Learned in One Year - Part 2 of 3

A Year of Inconvenience
By Pam Mehnert January 13, 2012

Ah, what was I thinking when I came up with the notion of writing about 52 lessons learned? One lesson per week of my challenge - that should be a piece of cake. Okay then maybe I just have a bad old case of writers block.

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